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Health & Beauty

OXYBURST6L 95% Pure Natural Oxygen


Retail: R140

Whether you are an athlete, dancer, swimmer, or general sports person, Oxyburst will provide you with oxygen to attain your peak performance, Oxyburst help improves muscle strength, stamina, and recovery from training fatigue and soreness. Oxyburst is the best for pushing your physical and mental boundaries. Oxyburst will generate more energy in your body, enabling you to achieve peak performance in the gym or sports fields. Inhaling Oxyburst reduces stress and enhances cognitive ability.

Oxyburst contains 95% purified oxygen and 5% ambient air and will increase your energy levels for better performance in sports and daily tasks.

Product Features
  • Increased energy for athletic activity or an intense workout.
  • Better stamina and increased physical endurance.
  • Quick recovery of muscles.
  • Decreased stress.
  • Less fatigue and soreness.
  • Expiry date: 20/10/2025
Product Specifications
  • 6L
  • Flavours:
    • Watermelon
    • Peach
    • Apple
  • Directions for use:
    • Exhale.
    • Position opening near mouth or nose.
    • Press the tilt-back top with the index finger or thumb.
    • Breathe in Oxyburst
    • 3 to 5 breaths usually do the trick. It just depends on what you’re up to.
  • Precautions:
    • Oxyburst products are intended for recreational, intermittent use only, not to be used as medical nor life-saving products. People with impaired heart or lung function or other medical conditions should consult with their physician prior to using Oxyburst. Oxyburst products are for recreational, intermittent use only. Prolonged use is defined as an uninterrupted intake for more than 8 hours.

    • Oxyburst is safe for healthy people of all ages when using the product as directed. As the canister is pressured with compressed, oxidizing gas, it is recommended that children use it with adult supervision as a safety precaution.
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Keep it real!

We all know that what we see in cartoons is not necessarily real. Like, nope, you will not come away with just a bump on your head if an anvil or piano lands on top of you. Nor will you see stars or tweety birds flying in circles around you.

As much as we may think so, smoke does not come out of our ears when we're angry, and our eyes do not turn into little hearts when we first see someone hot. And hey, cartoons aren't supposed to be real - that's why we love 'em!

One thing that is pretty real is how quickly you'll meet the floor if you slip on a banana peel. Please, do not try it at home. We have, and it works. And it hurts. But it's not just banana peels you need to watch out for, it's things like spilled milk (don't cry over it, btw), oil, water, flour - pretty much anything you'll find in the kitchen.

So, keep it realistic and stay safe with our deal on a non-slip kitchen mat from Solace.